Worship and Spiritual Growth

New Service time!

10:00 A.M.

On October 20 we will be hosting a joint service at CFRUC with the folks from Harrow. A luncheon is planned following the service. Sign-up sheets will be available at church this week if you would like to help out.

On November 3, we will be marking All Saints Day by commemorating all those who have died during the past year. If you would like a friend or loved one included in the remembrance portion of the service, please forward their name, and birth and death dates, and if possible an electronic photo of them to Marc at [email protected] by Friday, November 1.

A study of Nigaan Sinclair’s book–“Winipek” is planned for 3 consecutive Wednesday evenings via Zoom–October 23, 30, and November 6. It’s still not too late to join. Please contact Marc it you would like to participate.

As part of the lead up to the 100th Anniversary of the creation of the United Church of Canada, Harrow United is invited us to join them in their project to collect 100 items each month to benefit various outreach and community programs. In October, they are collecting socks and underwear for distribution by our 1JustCity partners. Drop off bins are at both churches. “Socktober!”

A Garage sale fundraiser is being held at Harrow United Church, 955 Mulvey Ave on Saturday, October 26 from 9-12. Come out and support our ministry partner!

A “Messy Church” reverse Hallowe’en Event is being planned at Harrow for Sunday, October 27, from 3-5 pm. The kids will be going to houses in the neighbourhood to collect food donations for Winnipeg Harvest, and handing out treats to those who participate. For more information and to pre-register contact Rae Leadon at 204-930-8488–preferably by October 21.

  • more news and updates next week!

To watch via Twitch 
To watch on YouTube
To watch on Facebook 

If you would like to join our pre-service Zoom conversation at 10:00 am go to link below. Contact Marc for a passcode please. [email protected]


daily devotional

“Better Than We Thought!” by John van de Laar is a Reflection on Faith and Science for a Season of Creation” from Sacredise.com, exploring the relationship between faith and science and our connection to the natural world.


What else happens weekly?

A 2 or 3 session book study of Nigaan Sinclair’s “Winipek–Visions of Canada from an Indigneous Centre” is planned for October 23, 30, and November 6 by Zoom. Contact Marc if you are interested in participating. [email protected]

Our virtual prayer and spirituality group, “Explorations” occurs on Wednesdays by Zoom. Contact Marc for the link. [email protected].

Choir Rehearsal — is every Friday at 10 am. New members are welcome. If you are interested in singing with our choir, even occasionally, and Friday morning rehearsals present a barrier, other arrangements are possible. Contact Michael Cutler at [email protected] for more information.

What is Spirituality?

“Spirituality involves the recognition of a feeling or sense or belief that there is something greater than [one]self, something more to being human than sensory experience, and that the greater whole of which we are part is cosmic or divine in nature.

“Spirituality means knowing that our lives have significance in a context beyond a mundane everyday existence at the level of biological needs that drive selfishness and aggression. It means knowing that we are a significant part of a purposeful unfolding of Life in our universe.

“Spirituality involves exploring certain universal themes – love, compassion, altruism, life after death, wisdom and truth, with the knowledge that some people such as saints or enlightened individuals have achieved and manifested higher levels of development than the ordinary person. Aspiring to manifest the attributes of such inspirational examples often becomes an important part of the journey through life for spiritually inclined people.”

What happens at Sunday morning Worship? Lots!

Sunday morning worship at Crescent Fort Rouge generally follows a predictable pattern of gathering in God’s name; hearing and reflecting on the intersection between the ancient faith story and the story of our own lives and time; responding to what has been heard; and going out with a commission to be actively engaged in the world.

Our worship respects the rich heritage and traditions of the Christian faith, while holding up a progressive and contemporary theology. Our worship is designed to actively engage all of the senses, and welcome the participation of all. We come together around the Lord’s Table through the sacrament of communion six or seven times a year.

Music is an integral part of our worship life, and we offer music in a wide range of styles and genres. Worship allows us to enact through ritual, story-telling, music and prayer our core belief in a God of peace, justice, compassion, healing and hope who invites us to practice the same things.

Why Worship? Worship reminds us of who we are and whose we are. Worship helps reinforce a rhythm for our lives. Worship offers a chance to connect with others and to feel that connection and engagement. Friendships are formed!

Occasional Services

In addition to regular Sunday morning worship, we also offer worship experiences at other times to mark special days or occasions. These include such things as Pet Blessings, Blue Christmas services, Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.

Services for Life Transitions

CFRUC provides opportunities to recognize significant life passages with ritual and celebration such as Baptism, Confirmation, Weddings and Funerals.

Services to Recognize Other Life Transitions

We also work with individuals to create meaningful rituals to mark significant life passages such as moving to a new home, divorce, miscarriage, adopting a child, or seeking healing after trauma or violence.

Please contact our minister if you would like to explore some of the possibilities. [email protected]

Daily Prayer Resources

In many faith traditions, it is customary to pray at specific times of day. The discipline of morning prayer allows one to start a day grounded in God, and the intention to be mindful of God’s presence in all that unfolds.

Prayer of Examen

The prayer of examen, is a traditional form of “end of day prayer” which invites reflection on the day that is past, an expression of gratitude for what has been experienced, and an opportunity to explore in greater depth God’s presence in our lives. Our friends at The Work of The People  https://www.theworkofthepeople.com/ have created a contemporary expression of this ancient form of prayer. For a version of the Examen, please click here.

Frederick Buechner

The Center for Contemplation and Action


One time tested way of nurturing the spirit is to maintain the disciple of keeping a journal. During this time of  self-isolation we invite you to join others in a 28 day journaling challenge. Click here for a list of daily prompts. Self-Isolation Challenge

Looking for more intentional study?

A variety of online programs and webinars are available through:

The Abbey of the Arts

The United Church of Canada

We encourage you to contact Crescent Fort Rouge and receive our weekly newsletter which offers many opportunities. [email protected]

Looking for an experience on Sunday for children (ages 3 to 12)?

Children are encouraged to begin their Sunday morning church experience with the gathered community in worship. This time with adults includes a theme conversation with one of the ministers and introduces children to the concept of worship.

Following this time, the children participate in age appropriate activities designed to introduce them to faithful living. We make use of a variety of teaching activities: drama, music, cooking, art, science, games and more. Parents and guardians of very young children are welcome to attend this program with their young ones until the children feel comfortable enough to attend the class on their own.

Looking for a few resources for children?

25 Easy Sunday School Crafts

49 Outstanding Christian Craft Ideas for Kids


The Bubble Who Would Not Pop by Shelly Roark

A while ago, at Messy Church, we read a book “The Bubble Who Would Not Pop” by Shelly Roark. In the story a little girl sends her prayer up to God in a bubble. After we read the story, we had fun making bubbles out in our Churchyard. We used hoops of wire, pipe cleaners, water bottles with the bottoms cut out and lots of other things that the grownups hadn’t even thought of, trying to make the biggest, strongest bubbles that we could.

Super Duper Giant Bubble recipe
  • 6 cups of water
  • ½ cup Blue Dawn dish soap
  • 1/2 cup corn starch
  • 1 Tablespoon baking powder
  • 1 Tablespoon glycerine

Stir it gently with a whisk and keep the whisk handy because you’ll need to stir it again as the cornstarch settles.

Can you make a square bubble?  Take a picture of you sending a prayer to God in a bubble and post it on FaceBook.