Programs & Events

In addition to organizing a variety of events and programs, CFR provides a welcoming space for community groups to gather safely to run programs and to hold concerts and events. This page describes a host of programs and events that are typically held at CFR. Always check our events calendar for current listings and details.

CFRUC gratefully acknowledges the funding support of the United Church of Canada Foundation, Church Development Inc. and The Winnipeg Foundation which has enabled CFRUC to continue to support our partners and to provide live streaming capacity.

Do you have an event happening at CFRUC / Crescent Arts Centre that you would like to promote? You can submit your event to our website calendar!

Calendar of Events

Calendar of Events

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Living Well at 55 Plus

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Living Well at 55 Plus


MCO 5 / Lullaby of the Snow


MCO 5 / Lullaby of the Snow

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Living Well at 55 Plus

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Upcoming Events & Programming

Thank you to our funders

55 Plus & Seniors

Living Well 55+

We offer a series of interesting speakers as requested by neighbourhood older adults.  The sessions are open to the public who we love to have attend!  Speakers are followed by refreshments and networking.  There is no cost to attend but we may ask you to give us a head’s up on your interest so we can ensure adequate supplies and refreshments. 


The Hopeful Jammers

The Hopeful Jammers meets Monday afternoons for 55+ and they play a range of instruments with lots of ukuleles! All experience levels are welcome. Contact Linda at if you are interested.

The Hopeful Jammers

Arts, Music & Theatre

Village Green Morris Men

The Village Green Morris Men claim to be the oldest Cotswold side in Western Canada. They were founded in 1974 at the same time as the. Village Green English Country Dancers by the late John Trevenen and the late David Williams. The Village Green Morris Men are still going strong, surviving personnel changes and various kits, and including one original dancer and many from the early days. They have performed continuously since 1974 at a variety of festivals and concerts including one tour of England in 2006.  Contact Ian (204-792-7006) or Dan (204-489-5226)

Village Green Morris Men

Winnipeg Boys’ Choir

The Winnipeg Boys’ Choir practices weekly with age specific groupings. They offer vocal training and the opportunity for many public performances. They are wonderfully energized and their performances are a delight! For more information check

The Keep Theatre

The Keep Theatre is committed to creating unforgettable live theatre in the heart of the city. Located in this heritage church in the heart of Osborne Village, The Keep Theatre is an artist-run centre, dedicated to advancing cutting edge art through the exploration and creation of site-specific theatre that reflects the diversity of the human condition.

CAC Music + Art

A Handy List!

We are thrilled to see our friends Gordon King United offering programs to/for which we all rotate back and forth! Hoorah for arts + spirituality!



AA meets several times weekly. Check for times.

Community Compost

Community Compost Site is on the south-east side of the building and is open for surrounding community use. Contact with questions.

Children, Youth & Families

We strongly focus on providing programs to children and youth and new programs are arising on a semi-annual basis.  Check our calendar or contact with questions.

A “Messy Church” reverse Hallowe’en Event is being planned at Harrow for Sunday, October 27, from 3-5 pm. The kids will be going to houses in the neighbourhood to collect food donations for Winnipeg Harvest, and handing out treats to those who participate. For more information and to pre-register contact Rae Leadon at 204-930-8488.

Fort Rouge Child Care

The Fort Rouge Child Care, housed in our building, began as an after school program of our congregation. Now an independent organization, the Fort Rouge Child Care serves up to 54 children, ages 2 to 12. They have a vibrant after school program and Crescent Fort Rouge helps to support them with art classes, yoga, and music and theatre instruction.  For more info, call the day care directly at (204) 284-5474 or check FRCC’s website.

Living well at 55 plus

Get involved!

We have a variety of health and wellness programs such as yoga occurring.  If anything of this nature is of interest to you, please contact