
Crescent Fort Rouge United Church

Spirituality. Arts. Action.

CFRUC is a safe place for all people to gather regardless of race, creed,
age, ability, cultural background, sexual orientation or gender expression.

If you are looking for a Sunday service we are offering them online and in person at 10:00 a.m. Streaming info is:

To watch via Twitch 
To watch on YouTube
To watch on Facebook 

You can also join the pre-service Zoom coffee time at https://us04web.zoom.us/j/8653579944?pwd=VTF2TWw4TUpEK2ZpOXFSdGpTTnk4UT09

Contact Marc @ marc.cfruc@cfruc.mymts.net for a passcode.

Crescent Fort Rouge is a safe place for all people to worship regardless of race, creed, age, ability, cultural background, sexual orientation or gender expression. CFRUC is a safe space for everyone to be who they are. We are a place of human connections.

will be held on Sunday, March 30.


Sunday, March 23, 2025—THE THIRD SUNDAY IN LENT – Luke 13:6-9 (Parable of the fig tree)
The gardener in the vineyard knows the fig tree needs rest, nutrients, and time—and it also needs to produce fruit.
Both things are true, which is also true for us. If we are always striving for more growth without taking time to rest,
we will burn out. But if we are only ever resting, we won’t bear fruit or grow. The fig tree also teaches us that the in
between time—of nurture before fruit—can be where transformation begins. 10:00 a.m. Service at Crescent Fort
Rouge, 525 Wardlaw Ave.; 11:00 a.m. at Harrow United Church, 955 Mulvey Ave.

•For further details on Worship services to 20 April, please see the Worship page. Worship and Spiritual Growth

Donate to CFRUC

Donations and legacy gifts such as bequests are much appreciated and enable us to continue in our mission to feed the spirit and serve our community. More about donations below.

Donations can be made to Canada Helps. Just click the button below!

or by etransfer to cfruc@mymts.net


As a congregation of the United Church of Canada, Crescent Fort Rouge United Church is a registered Canadian Charity. In normal circumstances, charitable tax receipts are issued for contributions received in the previous calendar year each February. If you require a charitable receipt before that, contact the office (204-475-6011 or cfruc@mts.net).

Tax receipts for contributions made through CanadaHelps are issued electronically by CanadaHelps.

  • Our Administrator Terry’s regular office hours will be Tuesday to Friday, from 9-12. You can email Terry at cfruc@mymts.net.

Upcoming Events & Programming

CFRUC’s peace pole

Watch for plans to meet  Tuesday afternoon between 5:15 and 5:45 we are gathering to offer prayers for peace – weather permitting, we will gather around the peace pole. Otherwise we will meet in the sanctuary. If you can’t join us in person, we invite you to observe this as a prayer time wherever you might happen to be. 

Peace Poles are an iconic symbol of, May Peace Prevail On Earth International, founded in Japan over fifty years ago.  Over the decades, Peace Poles which carry the message May Peace Prevail On Earth have been planted by supporters the world over in every region and continent on earth.  It is estimated that there are over 200,000 Peace Poles in the world on every continent which have been planted over many decades.

During times of heightened public distress over new or ongoing world conflict, and to mark Orange Shirt Day, Red Dress Day, the International Day of Peace, peace sabbath, Remembrance Day, and vigils for the National Day of Mourning to name a few we gather with a broad and extended community.

Green Space Project

In 2015, the congregation of CFRUC made a decision not to turn our green space over to revenue earning commercial opportunities.  We chose instead to hold the precious space (densely populated neighbourhood with condos/apartments) open for community use and to expand our community engagement. To date we have upgraded significantly our community-use compost area, created a meditation garden on the south facing lawn, and created landscaping for all to enjoy.

We wish to landscape the surrounding area with wheelchair accessible sidewalks, two benches and flowers/shrubbery. 

Compost Bins!

Free for neighbourhood use.

Manitoba Conservation and Climate provided funding for this project.

Who We Are

CFRUC is a centre for spirituality and the arts in this community – a place where community can grow, gather and flourish.

Community Programming

The foundation of our church and congregation is service. We achieve this through community programming, supports to the arts and by participating in broader social justice initiatives. Our building and grounds provide a welcoming gathering space for community to connect, learn and enjoy the arts.

Venue Rentals

On average yearly, we host more than 10,000 attendees at public events. Our church facilities can accommodate a variety of functions including meetings, workshops and concerts. Wheelchair accessible spaces are available. We have added recording and live streaming capabilities to what we offer.

Children Youth & Families

We maintain a Christian education program for children and youth. At the same time we look beyond our walls to support the needs of the children in our neighborhood. Along with our arts partners, we provide enrichment programming to children and youth. The Fort Rouge Child Care Centre is located in our building.

Hospitality to the Arts

We believe in the positive impact of the arts and this message is central to our purpose. We provide arts programming and are a venue for musical, visual, literary, and performing arts events. Artfest is our lively annual festival celebration of the arts.

55 Plus and Seniors

We have a vibrant 55 plus presence in our faith community – energized, action-oriented and engaged. Community-focused programming celebrates and connects seniors. Join a music class, walking group or simply visit us for coffee and socializing. We offer opportunities to explore the arts, engage in a variety of workshops, or become a volunteer!

Faith in Action

We believe to be faithful is to be engaged with the world around us, to live with respect in Creation, to love and serve others and to seek justice and resist evil. As we live out this faith, we have found a variety of ways to reach out to support families, seniors and many arts and choral groups.

Worship & Spiritual Growth

Reverend Marc Whitehead offers worship online and in person, if health regulations permit, every Sunday at 10:30 am. We interpret the Bible seriously but not literally and seek the Spirit in everyday life. We love music at CFRUC and our services are enlivened under Music Director Michael Cutler. We also offer special services such as Christmas Eve and Good Friday, as well as weddings, funerals & baptisms.

Stay Connected!

Crescent Fort Rouge has been active in creating online and in-person opportunities to – Nurture Your Spirit!